Saturday, July 16, 2011

Greener on the Other Side

                Today was absolutely perfect. I had nothing better to do than explore Cambridge and meander around. I got up this morning for breakfast, one of only two meals we're served every day, so I don't ever want to miss it. Even if it is my fourth straight day of Frosted Flakes and OJ. There really aren't that many options for breakfast. But I was incredibly tired since I was up so late last night.
                Still I didn't want to go back to bed so I went down to the common room and tried to get some work done for a few hours and edited pieces for travel writing (I've got to start plotting my next one!). But today was actually one of the sunnier days since I've been here at Cambridge, the sunlight was calling to me and making me antsy. So a group of us decided to explore and find some place to eat lunch.
                The seven of us--myself, Julia, Michaela, Jess, Brendan, Michael, and Nate--stumbled upon this little cafe called Giraffe. They had a really nice deal going where we could get a soft drink and a entree for £6.95. For some reason I was wanting something quintessentially American, even though I haven't been away from home that long. So I ordered a hot dog. And when it came that sucker was the biggest hot dog I have ever seen! And I devoured the thing. It tasted so ridiculously good I can't even begin to tell you all.
                I'm going to take a moment and diverge from my day's story to tell you that I am a picky eater living in a land where I cannot choose what I have for dinner. There are three courses every night.  Appetizer. Entree. Dessert. None of you who know me will believe the things I have eaten or at least attempted to eat. Witness: Sheppard's Pie, Salmon, Roast Duck (my favorite thus far), Broccoli and Cheese Soup, Stuffed Turkey Roulade, Onion and Cider Soup, Pavlova, and Panna Cotta. I would pay good money to see the shock on some of your faces right now.
                After lunch our little group split up since several of them had class at two o'clock. Michaela and I ended up exploring more of the lovely clothing stores in downtown Cambridge. I was so excited to walk into a Topshop! We stuck mostly to the sale racks since neither of us are too keen on spending a ton of money. I bought a little knit hat that will suit me fine for the Ohio winters. It has cat ears. Soooooo thrilled! And the best part is that the hat, only £1.00!
                We then went to T.K. Maxx, the English bastard cousin of T.J. Maxx, so Michaela could find a simple black cardigan for the Opening Banquet tonight. We had been looking all day and were not terribly enthused with what we were finding. But T.K. Maxx came through for us! We then quickly returned to Gonville and Caius for daily tea.
                Before Opening Banquet we met for Sherry on the lawn. THE LAWN WHICH WE ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO TOUCH. It felt so wonderfully forbidden even though it was a sanctioned event. It felt awesome for that hint of the illicit. I regret to inform you that the grass does not feel any more magical than American grass. Don't believe the hype.
                And the Sherry. It's like sucking down vinegar. Never again. I finished it for posterity's sake but I'm pretty sure some of my taste buds died in protest. We all took a bunch if pictures on the lawn, and everyone looked mighty fine in their fancy clothes. The Opening Banquet was being held in the Fellow's dining hall, which is almost never opened up to the average Joe, hence the fancy clothes. The Fellow's dining hall is decorated after the Greek acropolis. Mildly intimidating. Even more so considering that I was one of six who were shanghaied into reading a passage from a packet all about famous Cambridge experiences. I think it went well. And the people I was sitting with her good company. The whole banquet took forever though!
                After dinner, I changed out of my fancy clothes and a small group of us went out for a walk. It was nice to go for a walk for no other reason than to enjoy the city and the beautiful night. I'm back in the common room now. I'm not entirely sure what to do with myself tomorrow. Usually we'll have trips through the UNH program, but this Saturday, not so much.  Who knows? The only thing I've got pinned down for sure is that tomorrow is Harry Potter! A large group of us are going tomorrow night.  I'm so excited! You'll get all the details tomorrow I'm sure.
                Well once again, it's late. So I bid you a much overdue goodnight.

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